Thursday 13 September 2012

Island life for me?

Something dropped on my lap recently.

A company has offered me a position in Langkawi to run their establishment there. A better pay package than my current certainly, and the job sounds very interesting.

Intrigued I am.

The question is, would the island life be good for me? Knowing that I love crowds, the hustle and bustle of city life, and the vibrant energy of city folk, this opportunity would be a sea-change for me.

Will I fit in? Will I enjoy it?

I am game.


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Uncle Razee,
Kita dah lama teringin nak melawat cat sanctuary di Langkawi tu.... har har har *evil laughs*

Abdullah Mohd Nawi said...

Awesome!!!! You know what this means Gee... You're getting house guests... who are likely to stay for 4-5 days... in about 2 years time... and they will have Kiwi accents.

Razee Salleh said...

Cat from Sydney,

There's a Cat Sanctuary in LGK? Really. cool, source for house guardians then!

Bro Lobo,

Sure thing. You guys are most welcome. Kiwi accent or otherwise. :)