Monday 23 September 2013

Getting My Goat!

Saw a few pictures posted on FB today.

They were of the staffers in my former workplace enjoying some hot beverages and what appears to be Lasagna. My eyes were immediately drawn to the fact that they were eating and drinking right in the open in what should be the guest dining area.

The FB timestamp suggested that the post was put up at about 5 AM. Sure, they could have done so when the place had closed for the day (a very short window, but yes, still quite plausible). But there they were, happy grins and posing for the camera, possibly in full view of customers.

That really got my goat!

F&B staffers should not have been allowed to consume food and beverages in guest areas. Full stop.

Shit like this was unheard of during my time there. I was a difficult person to please, and I refused to let up the high ideals I hold that was taught to me.

Apparently, it would seem that since the start of the new vendor operations, fewer and fewer people cared about keeping high standards. Fewer still are those who monitor service operations.

It breaks my heart. I alert this to a few of my former colleagues and they related that this indeed was the result of reduced monitoring on the contractor's part.

I don't know why I care so much about it but I am not going to take it lying down. 

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